Monday, April 11, 2011

Season 2 ' The Fix' Part 10 - Lucky Lucky Luck Luuuuk Luk Luk Luk

by Nathan Stout (of

Today's part of this 'Fix' is mainly just a fun story of how I lucked out of about 20 hours of work on the reconstruction of Season 2. If you remember from my last part I was working on Episode 5 scenes. Well, the first scene of the episode is a discussion between the Landlord character (played by Stacy) and Nathan's character. Originally we shot my part of the footage earlier than the shots where Stacy was talking. The scene went like this:

Nathan on screen: 'bla bla bla bla bla."
Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."
Nathan on screen: 'bla bla bla bla bla."
Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."
Nathan on screen: 'bla bla bla bla bla."

So we shot Stacy's stuff on the day she was there for the six day shoot. We had already shot my lines so they were on a different tape. At some point we had reused the tape my lines were on then the hard drive crash happened so all we had was:

Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."
Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."
Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."
Stacy on screen: 'bla bla bla bla."

This is also the case in another scene later in Episode 5. Stacy and I are talking to each other in the kitchen and the setup is exactly the same at the first scene. It's a back and forth and we lost the footage of my line.

This wasn't too big of a deal since we still had Stacy's lines (which would have been really hard to get her back over to reshoot). We could easily have reshot my lines and been done with it. Infact I had already pulled out those two scenes from the script and had them ready to reshoot when Chris was to come over next (which is uncertain since he has been working some insane amount of hours at this job lately).

To make a long story short (too late) I was strolling past Stacy's office (we work together) and I stopped to chat and I told her we were about to reshoot some stuff that she was in. She stopped me and to me (to my great surprise) that she had some video that I had given her back when I first worked on the season. Apparently I had finished editing those two scenes (and another earlier scene that I still had) and I gave the 3 bits to her to see. She pulled them up on her PC and THERE THEY WERE!! The two scenes I was about to spend a lot of time shooting and re-editing were right there, completed ready to drop into the show!

That little conversation I had with Stacy that day saved me 20+ hours of work for two short scenes. Fantastic! Now if only I had done the same with Miguel's footage at the Fort Worth Water Gardens...

Season 2 - before the EVENT, being frustrated

Then... The EVENT!

THE EVENT - Click here for First Post
THE EVENT - Click here for Update #2
THE EVENT - Click here for Update #3
THE EVENT - Click here for Update #4
THE EVENT - Click here for Update #5
THE EVENT - Click here for Final Update #6

Then... the Fix!

Season 2 'Fix' Part 1 - A plan
Season 2 'Fix' Part 2 - Reviewing tapes for lost footage
Season 2 'Fix' Part 3 - That tape that won me $500
Season 2 'Fix' Part 4 - 5 more tapes with stuff on them
Season 2 'Fix' Part 5 - More tapes reviewed for missing junk
Season 2 'Fix' Part 6 - Final tape review. Why o why did I reuse tapes?!
Season 2 'Fix' Part 7 - Only 8 scenes missing.. shoot me already
Season 2 'Fix' Part 8 - The anatomy of editing a scene
Season 2 'Fix' Part 9 - Jonathan and the very noisy park
Season 2 'Fix' Part 10 - Lucky find
Season 2 'Fix' Part 11 - A long time coming
Additional Fix Post 1 - Filling in the gaps
Additional Fix Post 2 - Paul Tygers mows as he goes
Additional Fix Post 3 - The final count of lost scenes 
Additional Fix Post 4 - Impromptu day of shooting
Additional Fix Post 5 - Reshoots and pickups 

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