Thursday, April 9, 2020

2020 Goals: Update #2

by Nathan Stout (of

Here is the list of goals I made for 2020 and the progress (or lack thereof). It's amazing how the world (and your goals) can change in a flash.

The Goals

What I would like to happen in 2020 for myself. What I would consider the year to 'go well'.
     1.) I'd like for my kids to remain healthy overall and have little illness.
                The kids were sick 3 times before isolation began. Thanks to that, we haven't been sick.
     2.) I'd like for me and my wife to remain healthy (have little illness).
                The year started off rough but now that we've been stuck at home, nothing. Great! I think...
     3.) I'd like to get healthier. aka, get off some of the meds I am on.
                Ive been on a new med for almost 5 months now and have lost 40lbs. Not off any yet.
     4.) I'd like to get a new job.
                No progress here. I felt like I was getting close then all this happened and I suddenly
                became happy being in the hospital business. I will just stick here for now.
     5.) I'd like to have a proper savings.
                No real progress here except since we haven't been eating out at all, we've been saving.
     6.) I'd like to have a constant secondary income.
                Nothing here yet. Just the little things.
     7.) I'd like to visit Disney parks 3 times in 2020.
                 We had a trip scheduled for end of April but I don't think it's going to happen...
     8.) I'd like to visit Six Flags over Texas at least 5 times in 2020.
                 Been once then kaput.
     9.) I'd like to get 3 of me and Chris' games published (self published).
                 No updates since last posting.
     10.) I'd like knock out a lot of my repairs to my house (there are a LOT).
                 Working from home make it easier to knock out small stuff so yay!
     11.) I'd like to 'finish' Season 2 of According To Whim (our public access, now on the net show).
     12.) I'd like to film Season 3 of According To Whim (our public access, now on the net show).


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