Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I Have Trouble with Foc… Ooh Shiny!

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com
I have trouble focusing on one thing. I have a bad tendency to draw a line in the sand and say that I’m going to do this one thing until I achieve a certain outcome. Then I have a bad tendency to get sidetracked by something else that seems equally important. That’s the problem. Everything seems important. I can’t seem to follow the same goal for more than a few days before I want to work on something else.

I’ve been putting in a lot of time working wage jobs for a few weeks. My intention is to get my cars in good mechanical shape, start contributing to a retirement plan, and then when my child support is all paid I want to have a couple of months of expenses saved so that I can pursue creative projects zealously… you know, on those days I feel zealous.

I’m running into the problem of not feeling like doing the Uber Eats part, which is the part where I’m getting the extra earnings. It’s not because I can’t handle the workload. I actually like to work. It’s only partially because of catching a cold and/or the flu recently. What happens is that I have too much time to think and not enough time to properly pursue the thoughts. This starts making me feel like I’m getting nothing done, even though I’m doing something that I believe to be important. I start thinking that it feels dumb to spend a lot of time not being creative so that later I have time to be creative, even though I know that the focused earning effort will be more effective than doing the second job thing half assed.

It’s all about how much money I have above my expenses at the end of the month. It means that if I work 800 hours over the next twenty weeks that it’s slightly better if I do 600 of the hours during the first ten weeks and then only 200 the second ten weeks. The reason is because of the bulk time I could spend on creative projects during the second ten weeks.

All I’m saying is that I know my reasons for working so much, but then I have trouble ignoring the creative thoughts. It doesn’t feel like logging the thoughts to get to later is quite enough.

Chris McGinty is a blogger who felt that it was important to have a blurb at the end of this blog post. In fact, it was probably just as important as the blog post. Probably.

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