Sunday, January 30, 2011

Halftime Show – Super Ten-Weeks

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com)

Today is Sunday January 30, 2011, and we are halfway through the first “ten-weeks” of the year. My biggest regret is that we didn’t have a super bowling trip to the bowling alley to bowl. How super would that have been?

So I guess the question is how are we doing so far? I think all told we are doing well, if I’m being realistic. The truth is that I’m very behind on my personal goals, and am intent to get on course now. I know that my goals are simultaneously realistic and not very realistic, and that I need to make that decision that I spoke about in a previous post to shift my thinking and prioritize my project work over everything else. Remember Chris, I said to myself, if you were working a job, you would be at that job when you were scheduled. Schedule yourself before wreck yourself.

The primary goal is the writing, and that is probably the best one to examine here. My goal was to write six pages a day. I should have written 210 pages by now, but I am showing poorly at 90. Not good. I’m measuring the goal another way too, which is number of words. I’m trying to write 3,500 words a day, which comes out to about six pages in Word. This makes it easier to gauge as I’m writing each day. I should have written 122,500 words by now, but am sitting at around 54,000. No matter how you look at it, I’ve only done about half of my writing work so far. This need to change.

Beyond that my goals include: listening to music from my collection, as well as music from online sites such as You Tube,, and Pandora; checking in with the newsgroup four times a week; maintaining the blog, by helping to schedule and edit; posting my columns to the website; organizing my computer backups so that I have redundant backups of everything, but not overly redundant backups of everything, and that are easier to find things in; music writing and recording; video encoding of any footage I have of local bands; promotion of the website; organization of my physical clutter (trying to get rid of half of what I own); archiving of various thing; and editing of my writing that needs to be edited.

These things are very hit and miss. The problem is that I am supposed to set aside thirty minutes a day to work in categories that include each of these things, but I tend to work them more on a need to do basis. This leads to things not getting done that should be done for goal purposes, but just don’t seem to need to be done. Again Chris, I said to myself, shift your thinking.

And now some music from The Black Eyed Peas to motivate us, and then I’ll deal with Nathan’s goals.

Nathan has done pretty well. He has set himself some pretty lofty goals, and has shirked very little. He had to send his camera off to be fixed so he could finish encoding all the tapes of Season Two and Three. He did some video editing while he was waiting. He has also started to attack the debt pay down goal. He has also done well with his eBay stuff… which reminds me… but we’re not talking about me now.

If there are areas that Nathan is perhaps slipping in, it is checking in with the newsgroup (but I’m lacking too) and we’re about a week behind on “Flash Ahhhh!” right now, since we’re trying to stay three weeks ahead. He’s also not doing his learning goals, like Japanese, keyboard, and Japanese keyboard.

On the other hand, he has done a better job of scheduling blog posts in advance, and getting his reserve to four than I have. He has also maintained contact with Hangman’s.

Our various group goals are all lacking, except the goal to play all of Nathan’s games, but things like the vlogs (which were slowed by the camera being worked on) and work on the Net Runner Virtual Expansion are not coming along so well. In our defense, many of the group goals are year long goals that are waiting on Nathan’s ten-weeks goals this time.

So we will keep the momentum up where we have momentum, and pick up the slack where we’re slacking. This hasn’t been a bad showing to start with. And it will only get better. We said that 2011 would be a super year, and we do aim to bowl you over with amazement at how well we do.

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